Carmen Mandly
I am Carmen Mandly Tomé, health psychologist (AO-12746) by the Official College of Psychology of Eastern Andalusia and I am an Expert in Animal Assisted Intervention and Early Intervention. I also have specific training in neurodivergent disorders such as ASD or ADHD as well as in Emotional Intelligence and psycho-onchology.
My professional experience has been focused, especially, on working with children and young people, specifically intervening with problems such as childhood oncology, grief, bullying, anxiety, depression or low self-esteem. I have also worked with adults on issues related to anxiety, attachment, depression or the management of family problems.
At a very early age my family and friends saw how innately I helped others. I was always very observant, I liked to listen and to do what I could for the people around me. When I discovered, as a pre-adolescent, what it was like to work as a psychologist, it was clear to me that this profession was for me, as I could get close to the inner world of each person and help beyond the superficial.
For me, psychology is a way of understanding the world from a human and emotional perspective. It helps us to explore, know, understand, and love ourselves and the environment around us.
About me
I studied psychology at the University of Malaga and spent a year as an exchange student at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, where I did a volunteer programme with refugee children. After that, I spent a few months as a volunteer psychologist in Manila in an orphanage for children with cerebral palsy. This experience marked me and made me realise the need for mutual support and the importance of community life, which motivated me to continue training in what fulfilled me most, child psychology, and made me reaffirm the decision I had made to dedicate myself to this profession.
After this, I went to Madrid to study the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the CEU San Pablo University. I rotated as a psychologist in different hospital units in HM Hospitales, such as psychological care on the ward, neuropaediatrics and psycho-oncology. In addition, I worked at the Asperger’s Association Madrid where I discovered the difficulties faced by people with ASD in their daily lives and learned to understand and empathise with their way of living our reality.
When I returned to Malaga, I started my own path in the field of Animal Assisted Therapy, specifically with horses, to which I dedicate some of my working time. They are my two passions, and I really enjoy the therapeutic process and the bond that is established with the introduction of the animal in the therapy.
How do I work at Integria Psicología?
The basis of the process lies in creating a good therapeutic alliance or bond, a meaningful connection to make the context as comfortable, natural and close as possible, so that opening up our most vulnerable inner selves is a little less difficult. This is how I approach my work with patients at Integria Psicología.
I understand each person as a unique whole, so the session is always flexible and adapted to individual needs. The intention is to be able to find in therapy a safe space, full of empathy, trust and calm where we can understand our experiences and emotions to become our best version and be at peace with ourselves. With empathy, active listening and respect to connect emotionally with what each one needs, I try to guide the process of finding emotional, mental, social and psychological wellbeing and balance.
After many years working and sharing my time with the most vulnerable, volunteering and learning from each person who crosses my path, today I can say that I work in a field that fills my heart, and therefore, I try to carry it out in the most natural and close way possible with the intention of facilitating the therapeutic process and making each person feel at ease with the essence that defines them.
I myself have also gone through my own process of emotional repair and personal growth accompanied by a great psychologist. Learning to understand ourselves and manage our inner conflicts is necessary when we work with other patients, the intention is to ensure a neutral attitude that does not interfere with the therapeutic quality in order to provide the best care.
For all these reasons, my work at Integria Psicología is based on establishing a safety and connection that allows us to work on what has brought you to therapy.
- Education
- Experience
- Languages
- Publications
- Graduate in Psychology from the University of Malaga. Speciality in Clinical Psychology
- Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology from CEU San Pablo University, Andalusia.
- Official Master’s Degree in Animal Assisted Intervention from the International University of Andalusia and University of Jaén.
- General Health Psychologist authorised by the College of Malaga – AO -12746.
- Course “Coping with death and bereavement in the infant stage”- FOCAD
- Expert Course in Emotional Intelligence – AEPSIS
- Expert course on Autistic Spectrum Disorder – AEPSIS
- Expert Course in Psycho-oncology- AEPSIS
- Course on Health Emergencies Training “Psychological factors of the confinement due to covid-19”- ISEP.
- Course on projective techniques. Neuropsychology Resources, Madrid.
- Trainee psychologist for the Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Care at Vithas
Maternun, a centre specialising in child mental health. - Psychologist in animal-assisted therapy, specifically with horses,
at Hípica el Trébol, Benajarafe. - Health psychologist at Academia Kleos, family and child and adolescent therapy.
- Psychologist at HM Hospitales, Madrid
- Psychologist at Asociación Asperger Madrid
- Trainee psychologist at ‘Gabinete de Neuropsicología Infantil Recursos’,
Madrid (child neuropsychology). - Psychology internship at CAIT Vélez-Málaga (Early Childhood Care)
- English C1
- French C1
- “Cognitive and emotional deficits in children with cancer”. Final Degree
Degree, UMA. - “Emotional regulation, attachment and gender in adolescents: Is there an
involvement in the addiction to new technologies?” Master’s Thesis, CEU San Pablo University.
Master’s Degree, CEU San Pablo University. - “Dog and horse-assisted intervention in early intervention”.
Master’s Thesis in Early Intervention, CEU San Pablo University.
Pablo University.
Mil gracias por haberme ayudado, haber estado en mi proceso de crecimiento personal, en aprender a conocerme aumentando mi autoestima y sobretodo enseñándome herramientas para afrontar la ansiedad que tanto está presente en el día a día. Alejandra Espatolero21/08/2024 Excelente psicóloga en Málaga, da herramientas para la gestión de ansiedad así como crecimiento de la autoestima y/o situaciones complejas en donde la toma de decisiones es fundamental. Gracias por tu atención profesional y humana. Rosalia Cuenca16/08/2024 Estaba buscando una psicóloga en Málaga e Irene es una gran profesional muy cercana. La recomiendo 100%. Además da terapia en inglés así que le he podido pasar su contacto a conocidos de lengua inglesa. Carmen Cuellar Cuevas16/08/2024 Una amiga me recomendó a Gerald porque le fue muy bien en sus sesiones y es una chica estupenda. Te entiende muy bien y me sentí muy cómoda con ella contándole mis problemas con mi ansiedad. Se lo agradezco un montón. Cintia Olea Garcia04/08/2024 Muy contenta con Geral, me ha ayudado bastante con mis problemas de ansiedad y autoestima,es muy profesional en su trabajo y me siento bastante cómoda con ella Adriana Zambrano02/08/2024 Highly recommended for anyone looking to spend some time on their own mental health. Carmen brings a brilliant balance of calmness and experience to every session. Richard O22/03/2024 I have found Irene to be a thoughtful and insightful therapist here in Malaga. She has helped with anxiety and managing emotions during transitioning to another country. Carmen is wonderful with children during times of transition as well. Highly recommend! AF Whiteneck11/03/2024 Conocí a Irene hace casi un año, cuando estaba en uno de los peores momentos de mi vida, con ansiedad por las nubes, insomnio, al borde de una depresión bastante gorda...Me daba un poco de reparo que la terapia fuera online, pero desde el principio Irene me hizo sentir escuchada, acompañada, con esperanza, jamás he sentido distancia con ella. Nunca pensé que unos meses con ella fueran a cambiar tanto mi perspectiva de la vida. Le estoy profundamente agradecida, y lo sigo estando porque aunque estoy ya genial, me sigue encantando tenerla de guía. Si tienes dudas, no lo hagas, ¡¡escríbele!! Cristina25/05/2023 Llevo ya más de un año en terapia con Irene y es de las mejores decisiones que he tomado para mi bienestar mental. Desde el primer momento he podido gestionar mejor sensaciones y emociones que vivía por un duelo y también en el caso de relaciones personales de amistad y amorosas. Además, la ansiedad empiezo a entenderla de otra manera. Solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento, a seguir mejorando! Marta Mayorgas Nogues26/04/2023 La terapia con Irene está siendo muy positiva en una época difícil para mí, en terapia hemos trabajado cosas como la ansiedad, gestión emocional o de relaciones haciendo que mejore muchísimo en estos aspectos. Solo puedo decir cosas buenas de Irene que es una gran profesional y que te hace sentir súper cómodo, para mi es un gran apoyo y siento que tomé la mejor decisión eligiendola como mi psicóloga David Caro26/04/2023